Channel: Red Bull BC One
Category: Entertainment
Tags: bgirl logistxusabboybreak dancekid glydeunited statescompetitionbreak dancingbc1red bull bc one world final 2022bboy alien nessvictorlogistxbconebrooklynbboy flea rocktimes squarebc one world finalbboy kid glydestaten islandbreakingbgirlingalien nessbboy victorbgirl katebreakmanhattan2022redbullbgirl1v1new yorkred bullsubwayb girlflea rocknew york citybc onenycqueensbreakdanceb boyred bull bc onethe bronx
Description: The Red Bull BC One World Final 2022 is heading to New York City! The descendants of the break are coming back from all corners of the world to the birthplace of hip-hop. Don’t miss the best breakers battle it out in the most prestigious 1 vs. 1 breaking competition on November 12, 2022. Shoutout to the legends that made this video possible: B-Boy Alien Ness, B-Boy Flea Rock, B-Boy Kid Glyde, B-Girl Logistx, B-Boy Victor, and B-Girl Kate Powered by Technics 🎶: Hip Hop Is Dead - Nas ► Click to Subscribe to BC One: ---- Giving wings to dancers and fans of b-boying and b-girling around the world 🌏 Red Bull BC One is the biggest one-on-one Breaking competition in the world. Every year, thousands of dancers across the globe vie for a chance to dance & represent at the World Final. Sixteen B-Boys & B-Girls earn the right to enter into an all-out battle on the Red Bull BC One stage, but only one will be crowned the champion. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: #redbullbcone #worldfinals #newyorkcity #descendantsofthebreak